What is the date code?

This code help us to know when the 18650 battery was manufactured. This code will be different for each brand, Samsung, LG, Panasonic, Sanyo or Sony. In addition, consulting this code will also help us to know if we have bought a fake or original 18650 battery. Also, if a battery is old, you need to be more careful.

Most 18650 batteries can be stored for more than 1 to 2 years without loss of capacity or quality, provided the storage conditions are right.

How to identify SAMSUNG 18650 battery manufacture date code?

For get the date of your Samsung 18650 battery we must check the third row of the code that are in the battery.

2019 and newer

First letter - year;

J = 2019

K = 2020

L = 2021

M = 2022

Second letter - month;

D = 01

E = 02

F = 03

G = 04

Third digit - day;


(OLDER THEN 2019) The date code of the batteries could be different in the new models.